My Countingdown

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day-4 CCIE Bootcamp Indonesia

We learn BGP in day-4. In the night we have troubleticket session. I do troubleshoot 5 from 9 questions. Again still failed!!!

There are 2 routing protocol:
1. IGP (interior gateway protocol). Protocol is used in the same AS number. IGP have 2 type static and dynamic routing. Dynamic routing have 2 type, distance vector such as RIP, RIPv2, EIGRP, etc and link-state such as OSPF & ISIS.
2. EGP (exterior gateway protocol). Protocol is used in different AS. The example of EGP is BGP and EGP (already gone). Right now, internet cloud using BGP to communicate different AS.

BGP use rich metric or attribute. The BGP have many attribute and here the summary.

BGP attribute generally have 2 types, WELL-KNOWN and OPTIONAL. WELL-KNOWN means every vendor should have these attributes and OPTIONAL means not all vendor support the attribute.
WELL-KNOWN have MANDATORY(must have) and DISCRETIONARY (will appear if there is additional command). Mandatory have AS-PATH, NEXT-HOP, and ORIGIN (i, e, and ?).
Discretionary have LOCAL PREFERENCE to influence outgoing traffic and AUTOMIC AGGREGATE which is route summarization.

OPTIONAL have TRANSITIVE means the attribute will be passed by the router even it does not support and NON-TRANSITIVE which if the router does not know about the attribute, it will be dropped.

TRANSITIVE have AGGREGATOR which is the router do the route summarization and COMMUNITY.
COMMUNITY have 4 types i.e.
1. no-export. It means be able to advertise to iBGP but no to eBGP
2. no-advertise. It means no advertise both iBGP and eBGP
3. internet. It means advertise both iBGP and eBGP
4. local-as. It means be able to advertise to iBGP but no to eBGP but this only for BGP confederation.

NON-TRANSITIVE have MED to influence the inbound traffic, ORIGINATOR which is route reflector, and CLUSTER-ID (if have many route reflectors).

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