My Countingdown

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Still Lab (read: blog) Even in Hospital

Now I am at hospital as all my three kids have sick, the older brother and second have cough & flue, and the 8-months baby has flue and need immunization. My wife asked me if I can help her. I think it’s my time together with family as I haven't had good weekend almost one month with family and still will continue until May. My boys will forget me if I always do that hehehe…

I prepare my equipment like going to customer. Let's check my stuff one by one, water... checked, laptop... checked, yellow book of CCIE foundation... checked, and of course my mobile phone for modem... checked. Yes, let’s go my three princes and office manager (read: wife) to the hospital. I have to finish my blog so next time when I forget I just go to my blog... Thanks to Mr. Dedi Gunawan make me being blogger addicted ...

Then here I am, still lab (read: blog) even in hospital. Let’s finish BGP course then. Oh yahhh I do my lab only in ms word to save my laptop power kwkwkw. The day is still long

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